
Sunday, 5 April 2015

Our Customer's Hand Made Projects

Hi to all the artists who loves to craft new selection of items during the holiday seasons. Today, we are showing you how you can make new set of projects during the Easter season. It's not really hard to create new design of things, just need a little bit of time and concentration. Our valuable customers are showing off their new projects and designs they made during the Easter. One of our customer posted this on These are the spring season projects he posted on the website.

You can also get the ideas from these beautiful Easter project by following the tutorial shown on the images below.

Required Materials.

- Plastic Eggsplastic eggs (I purchased mine from Craft Cuts)
- 2 Small round pieces of wood per candlestick.  One will be used as the base and the other as the top to your candlestick (I used the smallest circular wood you can buy from Craft Cuts).
- 3/16th Dowel Rod
- Drill
- 3/16th and 7/32nd Drill bits
- Spray Paint

You can easily order these required Easter supplies from Craft Cuts, excluding the drill machine.

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