
Sunday, 28 June 2015

How to Paint Stars on Wood Letters by CraftCuts

Looking to bright things up well it is true that people wants to do something special. You'll have to put your time if you're really after for something which is why CraftCuts wants to show you something extra special. Now you have the most exciting opportunity to learn how to paint stars on wood letters.

The process is very simply, all you need is some following materials to complete this project

Materials Needed:

Unpainted Wood Letters, 6″ tall in the Alegreya font
Delta Ceramcoat: Teal, White, Dark Blue, Pale Yellow
3/4″ Flat Brush
Royal #10 Soft Grip White Nylon Round Brush
Liner Brush
220 Grit Sandpaper
Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish
Scissors or Exacto Knife
Paper Plate
Paper Towels

To order these materials, visit CraftCuts,

Here's a video tutorial

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